Monday 30 June 2014

VTech Toot Toot Drivers

K got the garage and deluxe tracks and some extra vehicles for his first birthday. Initially he liked the singing vehicles and liked the interactive buttons on the garage but the track was confined to the toychest as he just lobbed it about the lounge. He is now 20 months and is loving the track - putting it together in various combinations, using it to practice colours, putting it away in its bag (easier than the box). He drives the cars around and was lucky enough to get the fire engine as well as the Press and Go Launcher at Christmas. We have just added the airport to the set, with the train station on its way.
The garage is very sturdy and has tolerated his sitting on it, being thrown by another child at his birthday party and generally knocked about. The airport is less sturdy and we are a little concerned about the bit that sticks out (you put the plane on it and then use the antenna on the roof to make it circle the airport) although it has been designed to bend both ways so it might just be us worrying! It is ok so far after all! There is a platform where the plane or other vehicles can fill up with fuel and it is interactive with a moving nozzle/pump (unlike the petrol bit on the garage which is not interactive other than the smartpoint). There is also a windvane but it only spins if you make it do so, which is a shame - it would be fabulous if it could be switched on to spin.
The tunes that the cars sing are catchy and the tunes will be familiar. The garage sings "ABCD watch out for the traffic lights" which led to K singing ABCD on repeat!
We are looking forwards to the train station arriving as we have seen it in action at a friend's house and K liked it. My only complaint so far with this range is that the tracks are missing some vital angled shapes in order to join all the components together - we have not yet been able to run tracks out from all 4 points on the garage and have them join up as we are always missing a very narrow wedge shape!!
Other than this, we are really pleased with this range and are excited to see the new toot toot animals range coming out - can't wait to see these physically as K loves animals and I am sure will love these!
Please see the range here:

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